Let me ramble for a few...
1. THANK YOU to all the amazing volunteers who made Easter a wonderful weekend at The Fields. The hospitality teams, Family Life teams, creative arts, behind-the-scenes people...everyone and anyone who played a part in serving on Easter....You did great! I appreciate every effort, every minute invested, and every attention to detail you gave to make Easter awesome. It takes an army of volunteer team member to be an effective church..... thanks for being on the team! I couldn't ask for a better group of people to serve alongside.
2. Thanks for bring people and bragging on a God who can impact their lives. People matter.
Let me say this again...people matter.
We gathered 278 people for Easter this year. That's a 41 percent increase from our average attendance on any given weekend these past several months. Also, it's a 22 percent increase in attendance from the past two previous Easter gatherings in 2009 and 2010. Is this about numbers? Nope...It's about lives. Thanks for helping gather 278 lives into The Fields Church this past weekend to hear the most powerful epic story ever experienced on this planet.
3. You invited someone and they didn't come? It's OK. Keep building relationships with people who need some spiritual direction. Keep investing in their lives. Keep advancing the incredible work of Jesus and His hope to a hurting world.
4. What's next? We are ready to move forward. There is summer camp for the kids and youth. Special events for men and women, and we are ready to gather again this weekend for another powerful time of worship and teaching at The Fields. Check out
www.thefeldslive.com or our
Facebook page for more details.
I love our church!