Disclaimer: This is not an exhaustive list. Just some thoughts I had late Thanksgiving Eve.
- Joy lets me sleep in on days I don't need to be up early.
- My boys have fun wrestling with me, when most of the time I'm actually just laying on the bed and they are jumping on me.
- Friends who help row the boat at The Fields. Can't do this thing alone.
- My mom and mom-in-law watching our boys during the week.
- Don Sol lunch combo price.
- Don Sol dinner combo price.
- Hulu
- People at The Fields who allow me to be their pastor, even though I feel so inadequate at times.
- Evan Courtney's amazing ability to think out of the church box.
- My Keurig coffee maker in my office.
- An administrative assistant that kicks butt.
- Thursday breakfasts at my parents' house.
- Roof. Refrigerator.
- Friends...those deep "no-matter-what" friends.
- Joy's support, love, and acceptance of who I am.
- Anyone who loves my kids, teaches my kids, and prays for my kids.
- Jesus' grace and mercy that showers down all over my less-than-perfect life.

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