Oct 26...My first Sunday as pastor:
Last Sunday my message title was "Broken, but Powerful." As a fun element, we played a game called "Will it Break?"
On video we (Me and Evan's wonderful idea!) dropped things off the church roof, and people had to guess if it would break. As a live element, we then dropped something on the stage from a 15-foot ladder.
Our choice item: a 40-pound computer monitor.
It was dropped. It landed. It bounced. It rolled. It headed toward a family in the front row. A sixth-grade girl sitting next to her dad yells out, "Are you trying to kill me?"
Dec. 1999....My first month as youth pastor:
I was preaching in basement fellowship hall to about 15-25 students. I was holding a sword and waiving it around as I as preaching.
All of a sudden, the handle broke off and the sword went flying and came inches from hitting a young girl. Here she is now.
I've had bad luck with first preaching moments.
(I also threw out a bunch of blow-pops that same month and took out a low-mounted fluorescent light that exploded on the crowd.)
What "That wasn't suppose to happen!" moments have you had?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Look out below!
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: ministry
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No stories of my own, but I do vividly remember the blo-pops
That is amazing. I have actually been in that same situation where I am preaching and waving a sword.....thankfully nothing went a flyin'.
We used to have a lot of candy throws when I was a kid's church pastor and some idiot put a pair of scissors in the candy box and I grabbed a big handful and hit a kid with the sissors about 10 rows back. He cried but wasn't injured fortunately.
Another time I was acting out Elijah and the prophets of Baal using lighter fluid to flood the makeshift altar rather than water, major impact on the kids but burned a table pretty bad and was real lucky I didn't set off the sprinkler system.
wow... where to start.
- tried to break a light bulb as in illustration for the shattered soul of man... put a hole in the table with the light bulb.
- during my 1st month as youth pastor I made up a lame game where you have to make a sentence out valentine's candy hearts... there was so much candy thrown that it took me half the week to clean the room and still had little hearts under cushions for a good year.
we refer to that night as the "valentines day massacre."
- while waiving a piece of paper jabbed a kid in the eye.
- When talking about two kids in Halloween costumes I was refering to kid dressed as batman and another as a witch. while describing them to a woman I called the little girl a "b-word" instead of a witch. "Have you seen the little b-word and batman?" That was tonight by the way.
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