Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I threw my book away

Nine years ago I began a book. I began writing down the early notes, ideas, and dreams for my "first" book. It was going to be about using media in ministry. I have a journalism background. I have seen the power and persuasion of media. And in 2000 I believed the church was way behind in using media.

Today you can find many books and blogs about ministry and media.
I just never got around to fleshing mine all out. first book is in a dumpster today. The notepad didn't make the transition into my new office. It simply got filed in a big green dumpster outside of our church.

Don't worry world, I have more books buried deep in my heart.

Maybe for another day...


Joey said...

Well, at least you have (had) a start of it on paper... mine never make it that far!