Sunday, June 7, 2009

The 1814 Project Update

After an all-night travel day we arrived in Honduras safe and sound, landing in Tegucigalpa Airport... known to be one of the more dangerous airports to land in because of the nearby mountains and landscape.

Since then we have:
  • Been interviewed on Honduras Channel 28 for coming to Honduras to help in a community transformation project.
  • Opened a ribbon-cutting ceremony up in prayer. I was seated by the Catholic priest, mayor, a local pastor, city police officer, principal, and another city official.
  • We hosted children activities during the first-ever San Jeronimo Project Market Day. We painted faces, played games, did the El Sapo dance, and got beat by kids in soccer.
  • Saturday night we participated in a church service where God moved in great ways. Our team did an excellent job in their THREE HOUR children's church time.
  • Sunday we taught a leadership class and did children ministry at the same time. Great morning.
  • I taught the leadership class under a Mango tree next to a rooster, a dog, a broken down car, a nursing mom, and a family doing their laundry five feet away.
For some pics go to
He's blogging and twittering this trip more regularly than I am.


Anonymous said...

This is great. Can't wait to hear more stories of what God is doing through The Fields in Honduras.
