Thursday, June 11, was our day off in Honduras. We ended the evening with a meal with the pastor's family and our entire team at Pizza Hut in Comyagua, Honduras.
We were really looking forward to the pizza after a week of some home-cooked authentic food.
Our team gathered in the typical looking Pizza Hut. We excitedly ate some bread sticks, and then anxiously waited for our pizza. Then it arrived. It was so good!
Then I noticed a boy standing behind me the entire time we were serving up and eating our pizza.
He just quietly stood and observed our team eating.
His name is Louis.

And we found out he was a street kid. He was by himself. He had made it past the door greeters. And he stood by my side watching us eat....over eat too much pizza.
We pulled a chair up. Invited him to sit with us. We poured him a drink and got him a plate of pizza.
I broke. I teared up as I sat next to Louis. I watched his little dirty hands cherish each peice of pizza that he picked up off the plate.
In broken Spanish I told him my name, asked him his age, and asked him if he lived in Comyagua. Then I asked him if Jesus was His Savior. He nodded yes, as he ate his pizza.
I put my arm around him, and just TRIED to imagine my son on the street fending for himself for dinner.
Lord, take care of Louis. Feed him. Clothe him. Educate him. Protect him. Help others step into his world and bless him.
I left an hour later and headed to a hotel.
He walked down the street...
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