Can you really call 800 people in a room a breakout session?
*Taking notes right now.....
Can you really call 800 people in a room a breakout session?
Posted by
travis spencer
10:37 AM
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Don Miller talked about leadership through stories of people he knows and follows. For the most part, they were people not on any national scene (except Rick McKinley
Don Miller is a walking narrative with insights along the way.
Here's a few of his insights:
Posted by
travis spencer
9:44 PM
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Insights From Chan
Fist of all, this guy in insightful, inspirational and an amazinf man of faith and vision. HOWEVER, very hard to take notes from. So, here's some insights and thoughts I've captured.
1. We need to long for the supernatural. We need an Acts 2 move of God. Are we experiencing this kind og power? People speaking in unknown tongues and then seeing their community transformed?
2. Think about the the parable of the farmer planting the seed in the different locations. Good fruit come from the good soil.
We need to work in the good soil.
Question: Why would a farmer spend all day working in the rocks when he can plant in the good soil? Are we spending time in the right areas? Do we have church and teaching like this? Or do we just work in all the areas of seed planting?
3. A gang guy comitted his life to Jesus and got baptized...but then eventually left the church.
Why? because he thought church would be like a a family....supporting each other all the time. He didn’t think it would just be a Sunday to Sunday meeting of prople.
POINT: Gangs are a better picture of the Church of Jesus than the American church. We gotta get there.
4. The American church is like a table of blackjack players. Everyone asks how THEIR relationship with the “Dealer” is. It's all about their hand. It’s an individual thing. A lot of people at the table, but everyone just concerned about themselves.
5. Ask these two important questions?
What are we doing that is Biblical?
What are we doing that is just American?
6. Will you hear this from God at the end? WELL. DONE.
Posted by
travis spencer
11:00 AM
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Rescuing the Prodigal Generation
Think about the prodigal story
The church has a choice to make:
Be like the older brother.
Be like the loving father.
We Need to Be Loving Fathers
1. Loving Fathers are preoccupied with whoever is missing.
• If you have three gets lost at the park, you don’t’s ok I still have two.
• Don’t sit and think about who is sitting around the table, think about who is not there.
• It’s not about who we are trying to keep, but who we are reaching.
• Older brother more preoccupied by himself, not his little wayward brother.
2. Loving Fathers operate from a context of forgiveness
• We live in a generation who wants to feel better about doing bad stuff. As a church, we, then try to guilt them and make them feel bad about bad stuff.
• We need to help people know how to be forgiven.
3. Loving Fathers throw parties
• Put forgiveness and joy in all the experiences
• Older brother got Mad when he gets home. Would not celebrate.
• Older brothers throw fits.
4. Loving Fathers confront older brother's thinking.
• He tell him to come to the party.
• Expose people to the party.
• Step up and explain WHY you are throwing the party.
5. Loving Fathers keep the lights on for as long as it takes.
• Older brothers turn off the lights and shuts the door
• Our heart needs to be that of a loving father.
I am also live twittering observations from Orange.
Follow me at
Posted by
travis spencer
10:50 PM
Labels: children ministry, ministry, orange
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Most conferences I attend I know what I'm getting into. I think I can say that the next two days will be something totally new. We'll see.
Orange kicks off in five minutes.
I'll try to blog throughout the conference.
Posted by
travis spencer
6:54 PM
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Orange bound
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
I'm driving to orange conference. It's 5 am. We'll be on the road all day. I'll post from the orange.
Posted by
travis spencer
5:22 AM
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Posted by
travis spencer
11:26 AM
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I'm going to the ORANGE conference next week.
Everything at Orange is focussed on dynamic family life ministry.
I can't wait to see what we come home with.
When Mattoon thinks family, they need to think First Assembly.
Some of the speakers include:
What is Orange?
Are you going? Do you want to connect?
Posted by
travis spencer
3:15 PM
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My three minutes of fame with Rick Warren.
Click here and watch this video.
(You only need to watch the first few minutes.)
Thanks Chris and Scott.
Posted by
travis spencer
10:31 PM
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The Florida Legislature is considering a specialty plate with a design that includes a Christian cross, a stained-glass window and the words "I Believe."
Here is why I wouldn't have this designer plate:
Posted by
travis spencer
9:56 AM
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If you invited people over for a cookout, what would they bring?
Chips? Diet Coke? Homemade salsa? Cookies?
Joy's parents, as you know from the previous post, threw a block party last Sunday.
Some unknown neighbors immediately came out and joined in on the fun.
They brought over the Bacardi sponsored bag-toss game.
I have to ask myself a tough question:
Do I have influence and friendship with anyone who would own a Bacardi bag-toss game?
I need too.
May we connect to our community in new ways.
Posted by
travis spencer
2:30 PM
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My father-in-law just announced to First Assembly his plans to retire as lead pastor.
He said he is ready to visit his daughter in California, exercise more often, and relax with his wife. He will continue to work some part-time hours as a pharmacist, but as of December 31, he won't be on anyone's payroll for full-time pastoral ministry.
Here's the most interesting part of the story.
The same day he announced his retirement of full-time ministry, he also hosted the best relational evangelism event I have ever been a part of.
He threw a block party.
Now, you need to know his house is one of the few single-home houses left on the his street. Everything else has been chopped up into rental property that is a VERY affordable option for housing...if you know what I mean.
So... Sunday 4-20-08 came and the 1400 block of Lafayette Avenue were full of free hamburgers and hotdogs. Coolers full of Coke, Diet Coke, cheap generic stuff. Yard games. He even booked a live band.
He is investing in his neighborhood. He wants to be an influence in their lives. He cares about them.
Some say he retired from ministry. I say he got a complete salary reduction and will continue loving people, loving God and loving to serve others until he dies.
Pastor Van may not be lead pastor of First Assembly in 2009, but he will definitely be involved in full-time ministry to his neighborhood and the community for the next several years to come.
Pics and video from the block party:
My son being a "funky white boy." {video}
Posted by
travis spencer
3:44 AM
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Should i do this?
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Posted by
travis spencer
4:57 PM
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Yeah . . . Almost midnight.
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Posted by
travis spencer
11:06 PM
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I captured a few "side-note" inspirational thoughts I heard during the Book of Hope meetings.
Posted by
travis spencer
4:10 PM
Labels: ministry, missions, small insights
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I am being ripped apart on the inside.
No organization to my thoughts yet.
I am surrounded by people who want to IMPACT and AFFECT DESTINY.
Here are some words being tossed around:
Posted by
travis spencer
10:35 AM
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In the midst of short-term missions meetings at Book of Hope, I get to cull insights and observations from the random ministry conversations.
I'll share a few:
Posted by
travis spencer
3:57 PM
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Awesome wife
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
My awesome wife secretely packed a card into my luggage for my trip! LOVE YOU JOY
Posted by
travis spencer
12:05 AM
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I'm heading to Ft. Lauderdale today to discuss Book of Hope International short-term mission trips.
I'm passionate about missions. I believe everyone should experience life outside the USA at least once to gain perspective. I believe we should be active in global missions.
I believe God wants us to pray, give and go. I also believe in an organization called Book of Hope. I trust the next three days will be effective. I pray we can help make Book of Hope trips even more effective in the future.
{video enbed}
Check out Book of Hope here.
What mission trips have you been on?
Posted by
travis spencer
7:17 AM
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Posted by
travis spencer
10:03 PM
Labels: family, small insights
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The Ultimate Get-A-Way
Tiger's Nest Monastery (Bhutan)
Taktshang is the most famous of monasteries in Bhutan. It hangs on a cliff at 3,120 metres (10,200 feet), some 700 meters (2,300 feet) above the bottom of Paro valley.
The name means "Tiger's nest", the legend being that Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) flew there on the back of a tiger. The monastery includes seven temples which can all be visited.
Climbing to the monastery is on foot or mule.
See other AMAZING monasteries around the world.
Posted by
travis spencer
10:57 AM
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I'm not afraid to take some risks. I'll charge into hell with a water gun.
But physical risks...that's different.
I'm the guy who doesn't want to jump over a four-foot creek because I think I'm going to fall in.
So...a 25-foot high ropes course isn't my idea of a fun day.
But because I was at some summer camp prep meetings, we got to try out the new high ropes course offered at Eagle Crest Adventures at Lake Williamson.
I didn't want to do it.
And neither did one other guy.
And we both said to each other, "I'll stay next to you."
But I had to move away from another fearful guy and stand next to the guy eager to go up and have fun. I needed to borrow his excitement and just do it.
Life is like that. If we're afraid to try something new, we can't hang back with the other doubters. We must surround ourselves around people willing to move forward in adventure.
So I did just that.
I strapped into all the gear.
I walked across cables and ropes that were 25 feet in the air.
Do something adventurous in life.
Surround yourself around people willing to go beyond the mundane.
What or who challenges you to take a risk?
Posted by
travis spencer
4:51 PM
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Blake Leitch started attending our youth ministry in 1998.
His family didn't come to church. But he plugged in and became very consistent.
He developed great friendships. He gave his life over to Jesus.
Then he joined the army.
I had limited contact with him.
Today his life is changed.
His story is incredible.
It was printed in a Springfield, MO publication.
Click on the article and go to Page 10.
Blake, you are an inspiration of why we invest in students!
Any favorite Blake memories?
Posted by
travis spencer
12:04 PM
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Today I had a surprise visit from my sister. Yeah, she lives in town. But she doesn't stop by my office too often. So today, when she called to ask if I would be there, I knew something was up.
My sister just got back from business trip to Seattle. (Rough life.) When she was there, she got to squeeze in some site seeing. She knows I love coffee, and she knows I love Starbucks. So when she was there, she visited Pike's Place Market (c'mon people... this is the original Starbucks location) and thought of her dear brother while she was there.
She bought me a shirt and a Starbucks City Mug.
Thanks Kim! Love ya!
(And I'm a little jealous of your trip!)
Posted by
travis spencer
10:57 AM
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Caption needed
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Write the caption.
Posted by
travis spencer
2:09 PM
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I spoke on Sunday at First Assembly. Listen Here.
We're doing a series called Chase the Lion based on the book In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. (We sell the books locally for $10) This is an incredible book and series for our church.
God is moving in people's heart. We are anticipating even greater days ahead.
We continue to grow in excitement, involvement, attendance, and spiritual hunger.
It's exciting days for First Assembly.
Thanks to Mark Batterson for his inspiration.
Posted by
travis spencer
4:59 PM
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What does your family do for fun?
{video embed}
Posted by
travis spencer
8:08 PM
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Posted by
travis spencer
9:46 AM
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Great game
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Friday night settlers.
Posted by
travis spencer
9:03 PM
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Are you Listening?
This is a story of an orphan in search of his parents. But it's much deeper than that. It's about "sensing" something unseen and full of mysteries that could help reunite them.
For the orphan boy, it's music. He hears music in everything. And he believes the music will reconnect him to his parents. This movie is centered around music. And it's full of good music, too.
The boy hears music when others don't. He asks this mysterious street guy (Robin Williams) why others don't hear it.
His reply, "They're not listening for it."
This opens the door to great spiritual conversation after watching the movie. Not to over-spiritualize a movie (I'm not a huge fan of that) but we have to ask ourself if God speaks to us in his mysterious way. Are we listening and tuning in to hear Him.
A lot of people made fun of August Rush in the movie for "hearing" music. August didn't care. He just followed what he heard.
Are we listening to the mysterious? The supernatural unseen?
Do we believe we can connect in an unseen way?
August Rush trailer {video embed}
Posted by
travis spencer
9:31 AM
Labels: movies, small insights
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My boys' bath toys sit on the edge of the bathtub.
The bathtub is next to the toilet.
My boys "miss" the toilet, thus the floor gets gross.
Sometimes the toys fall off the tub and land behind the toilet.
One particular toy landed in the "gross zone" one too many times.
So we threw it away.
Our four-year-old son found it in the trash.
He took it out.
He said, "No, not my boat. Why is it in the trash? I want it."
We explained it was very dirty and had to be thrown away. We explained that potty had gotten on it. We explained we would buy him a new, clean bath toy.
"But I want my boat." And he held onto it.
We put it back in the trash.
He climbed into the van.
He waved goodbye and said, "Goodbye boat, goodbye."
What is in your life that needs to be thrown away? It's time to let it go. It's a dirty habit. It's unclean. It's unhealthy.
Once you throw it away, don't go back and pull it out of the trash. Walk away. Leave it in the trash. Say goodbye.
Posted by
travis spencer
12:11 PM
Labels: small insights
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Too late
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
I found this note to pick up my son from school 2 hours too late.
Posted by
travis spencer
5:38 PM
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Bloggers like to kick out the April Fools Day jokes.
Here's a few I found when reading my RSS feeds.
New logo for FORD
Ragamuffin Soul Blog is shutting down
Brody Harper is in jail
Pastor Chip Sander is only using KJV
There is a new Evangelism Pope
Evan and Katie are having a baby
What else was out there on April Fools Day?
Post the links in the comments.
Posted by
travis spencer
12:01 AM
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I just finished writing an article for K! Magazine, a new national children's ministry magazine. The topic was connecting to your community. I can't really post the article, you'll need to buy it here.
Here's some main points of the article.
1. Look for open doors to get involved in your community.
2. Build as many connections as you can.
3. Make yourself available.
4. Make your church available.
5. There will be a good return on your investment.
6. Stay on target with WHY you are connecting to the community.
I also wrote a sidebar of practical ways to get involved in the community.
How have you and your church connected to the community?
Posted by
travis spencer
11:10 AM
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