Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vacation Update

A few interesting things we've done so far...

1. We went snorkeling at Red Reef Park in Boca Raton, FL.
We saw lots of fish near these rocks.
I saw a two-foot long barracuda.
Dakota loved looking underwater with his mask.

2. I hired a plumber to put in a new water heater in our condo.

3. I hired a glass cutter to fix our broken door.

4. We've swam EVERYDAY in the pool!

5. We have hung out with the walker family and had great times.

6. We went to a great church last Sunday.

Four days left and we will swim, swim, swim....
VERY limited wifi, cell phones not a priority, and afternoon naps!!!!
Great time with the family.


Anonymous said...

Hi Travis!

I am glad you enjoyed our church. You should have told us you were coming though. I would have loved to meet you. It's always fun meeting guys doing ministry in different places. Next time you are in town, give us heads up! Let us know if we can do anything for you. Have a safe trip back home.


The Haver Family said...

Sounds like a great vacation...except for all of the "fixing" stuff.