Friday, September 19, 2008

Ideas Needed

I'll be leading a discussion at the end of the month on kids' faith and the holidays. And I could use your input.

Do you have creative ways to teach Christian faith during Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas?

Do you have questions you would want answered in a discussion on this topic?

Do you have input on building kids' faith during the fall/winter holidays?


Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving and Christmas are easy to tie in to Christian faith, since they have Christian backgrounds. Halloween is the tough one since it is essentially a pagan and/or secular holiday. With our younger children we used to read The Pumpkin Patch Parable and carve a "friendly" looking pumpkin :)

Anonymous said...


We are a little odd here I guess. Our family has never done Santa, or Easter bunny. We talked about it before even having kids. The thought of us telling our kids about Jesus, Santa, Easter Bunny, and so on and then one by one telling the kids that they are not real but that Jesus still is real, even if you can't see Him. Have gotten a little grief but the kids are no worse for wear, we have told them that other kids believe but we have some good books to tell them the stories behind those holidays.

We don't look down on anyone that chooses to do otherwise, this has just worked for us.

Just my 2 cents


Noebie said...

we like to stress that halloween is actually "all hallows eve" - the eve of all saints day, where we celebrate the wonderful legacy of faith handed down to us from christians through the ages who have passed from this life

even though this "feast day" isn't often discussed outside the catholic communions, it might be helpful to bring up the history of the holiday with youngsters of any christian faith

amidst all the costumes and candy, and spookiness, it's nice to take a little time and remember that halloween is really a holy night in the christian calendar

in our home, we would particularly remember our family members who have gone before us who first taught us our faith and who set christian examples for us with their lives