Friday, December 26, 2008

10 Reasons Why I’m Glad Christmas Is Over

  1. 30 days of Christmas songs is too much.
  2. The pine needles on the ol’ tree are getting pretty brittle.
  3. Ready to launch into an exciting 2009 at First Assembly.
  4. I need to quit eating all this chocolate, fudge, cookies, peanut brittle, and pumpkin pie
  5. I can use my Christmas money to shop all the post-Christmas sales
  6. No more moody Wal-Mart shoppers
  7. Hoping the Christmas Blend Starbucks coffee goes on sale.
  8. My kids won’t beg to go through the Christmas lights every time we drive toward the mall
  9. My birthday is in January
  10. I’m a secret elf in disguise and need to take a break.


Anonymous said...

Number 11 you are secertly a scrooge ;)
