Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Chickens and Fish for Christmas

This year we encouraged our boys to use one of their Christmas gifts to bless another family in need. We told our boys if they wanted to, they would receive one less gift this year, and in its place, we would buy a gift for a needy family.

They loved that idea.

As a family we looked through a World Vision Christmas Catalog and shopped for a family in a third world country.

Dakota picked two chickens.
Riley picked a fishing kit.

One needy family will have more eggs to feed their kids.
One family will be able to catch fish to feed their kids.

One family (The Spencers) is learning what Christmas is all about.
May Jesus be glorified this season.

Here is a video of my boys ordering the gifts:


The Haver Family said...

I love how children love to give. I think we can learn something here.