Just curious, what family traditions do you have at Christmas?

Let the good times roll....
Just curious, what family traditions do you have at Christmas?
Posted by
travis spencer
10:08 PM
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I'll go first:
My dad's birthday is Christmas Eve. In 33 years, I've only missed a few times not being at my parent's house celebrating his birthday and Christmas.
One year I lived in Springfield MO and Joy's family was in town at a hotel and we swam on Christmas Eve. It felt like sinning. I like my traditions. No swimming on Christmas.
Luke and and I have a tradition together.
Each year there is one gift that we have for each other that we will wrap with layers and layers of paper. The goal is to have the most layers and make it impossible to open. Each year we get more creative by using newspaper, magazines, paper towels, and a couple layers made completely of tape.
Nothing like some brotherly/sisterly love, huh?
When I was little, our family always went to the 11 p.m. Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve, and then everyone from church would come back to our house for a party. We'd have sandwiches and cookies and this great punch and all kinds of tasty stuff. That one night, we got to stay up so late! I think it was Mom & Dad's way of making sure we weren't up at the crack of dawn to see what was under the tree.
When my sisters and I were in our 20s, we established our big Christmas meal as brunch. It never conflicted with any plans our significant others had, so our family time was unencumbered by the need to rush elsewhere. Plus, who doesn't love breakfast food?
My favorite current tradition involves what I consider "chosen family" instead of the one I was born into. Do you remember Diane Schmelzel from EIU? The first Christmas after graduation, she and I decided to have lunch on Christmas Eve, and we've been doing it ever since. I think we've missed only one lunch in 11 years, when one of us was sick. It's one of those things I look forward to, because it's relaxed, all the shopping's done and there's nothing to stop us from spending hours catching up over a meal.
It would appear that every tradition I have has something to do with food!
1. Train under the tree.
2. Everyone goes to see a movie after the big Christmas Day meal. These are increasingly harder to choose as we add kids to the mix.
3. Generally we always got to open one present on Christmas Eve, and all the rest Christmas morning.
Making cookies and eating pizza on Christmas eve is the one we started last year. Going to be a bit harder this year since Lance works.
We DID go to the Bond's on Christmas day so have to find a new one this year. :(
When I was young, my parents gave my sister and I a Christmas ornament every year. The ornament was meant to represent something going on in our lives that year. When my sister and I moved out and started putting up our own Christmas trees, my parents gave us our ornaments so we would have a collection for our own our trees. I love the tradition and have started it with my own children.
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