The Florida Legislature is considering a specialty plate with a design that includes a Christian cross, a stained-glass window and the words "I Believe."
Here is why I wouldn't have this designer plate:
- I speed.
- It's not about "believing" in something, but following Someone.
- My faith in Jesus has nothing to do with stained glass.
- My faith in Jesus is not described by a shiny, pretty gold cross.
- I want people to know I follow Jesus by my character, not my car.
- The plate is ugly.
I wouldn't even _consider_ buying one of these.
1. Like you, I speed, not proud of it, but I do.
2. More importantly, bad design makes baby Jesus cry, and this qualifies as bad design.
I have one of the "Jesus fish" on the back of my car. It was on there when I bought the car and wouldn't put one on myself. But, it's fairly small and doesn't stick out, so I kept it there.
If I bought a car with one of those license plates, I'd rip it off as fast as I could. None of my Christianity is represented by that license plate.
I wouldnt buy this, and i wouldnt accept it if it was free either. Its not a bad design(for the 1950's).
It's just another way of charging more for plates to get more people to buy them.
Also, it doesnt seem much different than wearing a cross around your neck.
This isnt how you "Show Christ".
No, because I too speed. I also occasionaly honk at people who are driving poorly. I cannot believe that this plate will not be challenged in court.
1. I'm a speeder too
2. Amen on the uuuugly
3. And I would never use something so trivial to proclaim my Christianity.
Your love for Christ should be present in your life and how you live it...not a banner you use to proclaim to others that you are "better".
I would definitely get it for the scooter.
Because people follow me very closely, and they would see the plate and possibly ask for forgiveness of their sins.
If I put the plate on, does that mean I can no longer listen to the Eagles with my windows down?
is that a sunset in the background? how many cliches can be on one plate?
heard about it on the radio the other day, and I am also not interested. I think I would lean towards getting an FSU tag before one of these, heck, even a Fl. Gators one, and I'm a Nole.
When I lived on the northside of Chicago I owned a Jeep CJ7. I thought I would be clever and get a plate that read, "GODS CJ7". I found out two things by doing this:
1. I could still cut people off
2. People still flipped off GODS CJ7
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