Thursday, June 12, 2008

Moms, paninis, chocalate, and big dreams

The Family Room: A Day To Dream

I've invited a group of moms to hang out with me for a few hours and dream about the Family Room, a family resource center we are launching in our community. Their perspective will be vital in shaping the direction of this incredible thing.

When people in town think family... I want them thinking of us as the "go-to" guys.

Here's the discussion agenda:

1. What does our community look like?
2. What does our community offer to parents?
3. What are some general concerns parents’ have for their children?
4. How do they meet the needs regarding these concerns?
5. What is missing in our community when it comes to family resources/facilities?
6. Of the concerns in #3, how can they be better addressed?
7. Hear the The Family Room Vision
8. How can we make this a crucial part of our community?
9. What is the mission of the Family Room?
10. How would you explain it in 30 seconds to someone?
11. Begin to dream of it’s:

a. Resources
b. Programming
c. Clientele
d. Hours of operation
e. Atmosphere
f. Partnership with other agencies/organizations
g. People involved
h. Funding

We want to serve the community as a family resource center that informs, equips, and unites parents and families with crucial information and programming to enhance healthy family life and prepare the way for a child's healthy future.

Got ideas? Wanna Partner? Have you seen anything like this before?