Driving home from Peoria
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Nasty weather on the way home from the conference. Looking at eight images of snow tonight. Roads not too great.
Driving home from Peoria
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Nasty weather on the way home from the conference. Looking at eight images of snow tonight. Roads not too great.
Posted by
travis spencer
4:38 PM
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Thursday I will be at the Related Leaders conference in Peoria, IL where Mark Driscoll will be speaking. He's the pastor of Mars Hill in Seattle. He'll be speaking on communicating to a new generation. Should be good.
Posted by
travis spencer
11:40 PM
Labels: ministry
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Five things you should communicate to your kids everyday
Posted by
travis spencer
10:38 AM
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In the dark.
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
No electricity in the spencer home. Weathes is crazy. From 50 Degrees to 29 In the last hour. Will drop to 10 Tonight.
Posted by
travis spencer
4:52 PM
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Our first VIP Gathering is a wrap.
Some thoughts just a few hours after the parenting event:
Posted by
travis spencer
10:20 PM
Labels: children ministry, parenting
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We're hosting our first parents gathering Monday, 6:30 p.m. at First Assembly in Mattoon.
This month's Topic: Building Strong Lines of Communication
This will be an "All-Ages" parents' gathering - Toddler though High School
What will take place?
You will receive great resources and teachings regarding communicating with your kids.
You will hear from parents who have been in your shoes...and survived!
-You will meet and relate to other parents who are working through the same issues you deal with day-to-day. Enjoy a time of coffee and desserts to share stories and ideas across the table.
Bloggers: We're offering a lot of on-line resources. If you know of some, pass along the websites.
Posted by
travis spencer
2:19 PM
Labels: children ministry, ministry, parenting
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I can't breathe through my nose.
I'm getting a head cold. ugh.
...and I'm tired.
what's your choice?
tissue, toilet paper, paper towel, other?
Posted by
travis spencer
4:33 PM
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Posted by
travis spencer
5:27 PM
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Plugged. . .
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Wifi Down. I'm locked into one space.
Posted by
travis spencer
10:46 AM
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Cooper, our 4-week-old son, is being treated for acid reflux.
Acid Reflux, or GERD, may be difficult to detect in infants and children. Symptoms may vary from typical adult symptoms. GERD in children may cause repeated vomiting, effortless spitting up, coughing, and other respiratory problems. Inconsolable crying, failure to gain adequate weight, refusing food, bad breath, and belching or burping are also common. Children may have one symptom or many — no single symptom is universal in all children with GERD. (wikipedia)
Posted by
travis spencer
9:37 PM
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We're going bowling as a family.
Four-year-old, 2-year-old, newborn, mom that can out-bowl dad, and dad that is glad we'll be hitting Starbucks afterwards.
Actually, it'll be fun. I've pre-ordered the bumpers!
I'll twitter the scores.
Posted by
travis spencer
3:45 PM
Labels: family
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Between Sunday and this morning I communicated to four very different audiences.
Young Married peeps: I co-taught with my wife a chapter out of Sex God by Rob Bell. We talked about mutual submission (chapter 6). If men want to LEAD the home…they need to submit to their wives. And most people don’t think submitting and leading can be done at the same time. Interesting discussion. Submission goes both ways. Speaking to this crowd requires providing an environment that will generate discussion and thought provoking questions. Coffee and muffins are a must, too.
Kids Factory: I spoke to 1st through 5th graders about making God their top priority. Bottom Line: When we place God first, everything else will fall into place. Always fun to communicate to kids. They like goofy. I can handle that. Bring a bunch a kids up on the stage to scream really loud never hurts, either.
The Pipeline (student ministry): I led the group in a multi-media game. All I had to do was act excited, get their attention, and try to draw in as much participation as possible. So pretty much just act obnoxious on stage for a few minutes. Dry and boring doesn't work here.
Men's Book Club: Lead a 6 a.m. discussion out of Every Man, God's Man. (coffee needed!) We talked about persevering through life's storms. The second chapter was about setting boundaries in our life to protect us from temptation. (Chapters 16,17) Have we set up guard rails to protect our marriages? This crowd listens. And when they talk, it's usually real powerful because they have decided to speak from their heart about their life.
Speaking to different audiences sure keeps you on your toes attempting to be an effective communicator.
How can we improve? What helps you?
Posted by
travis spencer
11:57 AM
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Posted by
travis spencer
6:56 PM
Labels: family
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Calling all pastors, leaders, and people involved in ministry stuff.
This is good. Really good.
A post from Perry Noble's Blog
Posted by
travis spencer
1:12 PM
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Have a lot of kids showing up in a few hours for a Friday Fun Night.
Not sure I have the enough WOW factor I need.
always looking for great WOW ideas for Children events.
Got any?
Posted by
travis spencer
1:43 PM
Labels: children ministry
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CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Omar Osama bin Laden bears a striking resemblance to his notorious father—except for the dreadlocks that dangle halfway down his back. Then there's the black leather biker jacket.
The 26-year-old does not renounce his father, al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, but in an interview with The Associated Press, he said there is better way to defend Islam than militancy: Omar wants to be an "ambassador for peace" between Muslims and the West.
- - -
If you watch 24, there is a weird feeling going through your gut right now. I'm calling Jack Bauer right now.
24 fans, finish the story...
Posted by
travis spencer
3:40 PM
Labels: 24
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Posted by
travis spencer
10:10 PM
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We all have people we like to connect with--friends, family, and people with like-minded thinking. On the flip side, we all have people in our circles of influence that we must connect with simply because of job duties and leadership responsibilities.
I believe, as people of spiritual influence and leadership, we must feel a “responsibility of relationship” with all the people on our teams and ministry projects.
To become a more effective leader, I must intentionally build relationships with all of my team, not just the ones I share the most common interests with.
We struggle in this. We tend to grow closer to some, and then fade away and keep a distance from others. But as a leader, we have to push through those natural human tendencies and build relationships with more people – especially those we work along side or oversee.
Some may say this results in superficial friendships. I disagree. I believe we find those common grounds with the less-connected people on our team and do whatever it takes to bridge the gap in relationships.
I’ve watched too many leaders gravitate to the same few people they like and share common threads with, as others are left out from the flow of friendship. Thus leaving some disconnected, feeling less needed, and self-labeling themselves an outsider.
Leaders need to take the initiative. Leaders need to step out of their comfort zones. Leaders need to be more inclusive. Leaders need to build a strategy to connect with everyone one their team in an authentic way.
We must bear a responsibility of relationships with the people around us –whether we gravitate toward them or not.
Seem impossible?
Posted by
travis spencer
2:08 PM
Labels: leadership
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Posted by
travis spencer
10:20 AM
Labels: family, interviews
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I survived another birthday. And, like almost every birthday, I got asked the mundane question,"How does it feel to be a year older."
Posted by
travis spencer
11:50 AM
Labels: small insights, spiritual life
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I've been waiting all week for this new devotional book to come in the mail.
I really felt like I needed a push forward in 2008 with my regular reading and GodTime. When I saw SOLO at Amazon, and then flipped through it at Barnes and Noble, I knew it would be a great addition to me life this year.
It came in the mail today.
It looks great.
Confession from a pastor: a regular devotional life does not come easy just because you have the title pastor. In fact, an office in the church may be the worse place to find some alone time with God. I must be intentional about making time for some personal time to read, reflect, ponder, imagine, and meditate on God's word and his involvement in my life and in my world.
I know this book isn't a pill or fix-all. But it does bring some fresh inspiration to dive in everyday and hangout with God. I'm excited. I'm excited to have a new tool to help me examine and digest God's Word.
Here's a look at some highlights:
This innovative devotional is designed to change how you interact with God’s Word. The Message//REMIX: Solo revolves around lectio divina, or “divine reading,” an ancient approach to exploring Scripture updated for today’s students. Each devotion delivers a unique, contemplative study that will encourage you to:
Read Uncover biblical wisdom and revelations as you learn to read without the typical limitations that often cut Bible reading short.
Think Immerse yourself in the passage as you place yourself in the story or meditate on words and phrases.
Pray Connect with him through listening prayer and praise as you encounter new ways to communicate with God.
Live Rest, reflect, or do as you discover how to take the Word with you throughout the day.
Looking forward to my daily appointment with God....
You have suggestions?
Posted by
travis spencer
4:38 PM
Labels: ministry, spiritual life
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Posted by
travis spencer
10:31 AM
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Posted by
travis spencer
7:34 PM
Labels: from camera
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Tonight I bought a card from Walgreens and will be writing a note to a 5th grader.
A note that makes a pastor proud.
A 5th grade girl came up to me Sunday morning in Kids Factory and told me she put $20 bucks in our missions offering container.
I said, "Great!"
She said, "I got $20 from someone at Christmas. I wanted to give it in the offering."
Most of these kids get excited about the 25 cent toys we hand out for games and give-a-ways. Imagine what $20 of Oriental Trading cheap toys could get them. But instead of buying toys or clothes, or music, one fifth-grade girl advanced the kingdom of God.
May we learn from a 5th grader that we can think beyond ourselves. May her $20 advance the kingdom of God in incredible ways. May we empower our children to affect the destiny of others.
By the way, I'm enclosing some money from another country in the card and asking the girl to keep it as a reminder to pray for people across the world who know nothing of Jesus. May she be inspired.
Posted by
travis spencer
9:59 PM
Labels: children ministry, missions
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We just spent half the day running around a children's museum with our boys.
- pretended to fly in a plane.
- played with a train set.
- pretended to ride in an ambulance.
- we rolled balls down giant ramps.
- we played in a huge bubble room.
- put together puzzles.
- pretended to cook pizza in a pretend kitchen.
- pretended to work at a drive-through bank.
- learned about coal mines.
- learned about magnetic stuff.
- shoved balls in tubes full of pressured air and watched them race around.
- got to put my hand on one of those crazy electricity globes.
(This is my hand on the right ride of the pic.)
All this to say....
We get home.
Joy and I are wiped out, tired.
The boys are running around the house yelling, screaming, playing...
needing rest...
Posted by
travis spencer
4:20 PM
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Posted by
travis spencer
10:13 AM
Labels: question
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My wife and I had lunch today with a college couple from our church.
Posted by
travis spencer
4:05 PM
Labels: children ministry, leadership
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It's the first week of January. We are ALL recovering from Christmas and the whole holiday season. And now when you go to grocery stores and malls, everything is red and pink gearing up for Valentine's Day shopping.
Posted by
travis spencer
3:20 PM
Labels: holiday, small insights, valentine's day
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Everyone needs a vacation from time to time to relax, refresh, and rethink. However, in our stage of life with a brand new baby at home, taking off for a week away in the Caribbean isn't going to happen any time soon.
Posted by
travis spencer
10:18 AM
Labels: date, family, refresh, vacation
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Welcome to 2008. Welcome to my new look and feel of the blog.
callmetravis.com is a way to have my own domain name no matter what hosting site i use to blog from. So, from now on, you can simple bookmark or subscribe to callmetravis.
What will show up on this thing? The same same stuff I've been posting for the last two years. Hopefully sometimes you laugh, you think about God, you reflect on your own life and family, or simply get informed from a news story, a link, or a bit of info I'm passing along.
Why the name? I wear a lot of hats: husband, dad, friend, pastor. Sometimes the pastor title freaks people out and they suddenly act different or talk different around me.
I'm an ordinary guy. Let's just hang out and be friends.
Posted by
travis spencer
12:01 AM
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