Saturday, February 9, 2008

Capture the heart...

I spent about four hours with a few Children Ministry leaders today.

The leadership team of ICM and the children's ministry leaders of GT Church hung out at my place for a few hours, then hit a chinese buffet. 

We tried to focus our discussion around capturing the heart of the leader, the child, and the parent.

Some thoughts from the discussion:

Capture the heart of the leader
  • Children ministry often takes you out of adult services--especially in churches with only one service. This could make you feel isolated.
  • We often are task driven, thus our our spiritual life can take a hit.
  • We need to be spiritual self-feeders.
  • We need to encourage our volunteers to be spiritually healthy, especially because they are feeding our children.
Capture the heart of the student
  • Children "get it" more than we give them credit for. Don't simplify the Gospel just because you don't think they will not understand. (This is a delicate balance of providing what they need to know, but not so much they get loss.)
  • Children must know who Jesus is. Don't just talk about a generic "god".
  • There was some discussion regarding virtue-driven teaching as a dangerous method. I would someone who uses and loves virtue-driven curriculum that you can teach virtues through powerful Bible stories.
Capture the heart of the parent
  • Everyone agreed that parents need help, and need to be involved in the process. 
  • There was discussion that including family/parent ministry into the children ministry philosophy must be done top down....meaning the senior pastor has to help this happen. It needs to be a church-wide philosophy, not just a children's ministry philosophy.
I love hanging out and talking about ministry stuff. It's great to hear different ideas, view points, personal soap boxes, and challenges everyone face.

Wanna hang out? I'll buy the coffee.


Anonymous said...


I just found your blog from a comment you left somewhere else. It is great to catch up with you and see what you are up to. Jill and I are on our way to KC to plant a church! Hit me back when you get a chance.