Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday reflections

Our church service at First Assembly this weekend was a great step forward in revealing our process of healthy spiritual growth. We're in the middle of revealing a simple, yet powerful, process of strong spiritual health. Our three-focus process is Connecting People to God, People to People, and People to Serve.

Some highlights from Sunday:

  • We used the story and video clips from the Wizard of Oz to illustrate how traveling together in a journey is the best way to go. No one should have to go alone.
  • We launched a Connection Team to take new families out to lunch, contact and encourage families who have missed a few weeks, and give special attention to families going through difficult situations. Several people signed up to be on this team!
  • We opened the doors wide open to Life Groups encouraging everyone to join in with the rest of us. We MULTIPLIED two groups! We now have more opportunity for people to get involved. SEVERAL new people signed up to join a Life Group! Very Exciting.
  • A group of international students got connected with a guy (an African prince!) from our church who will intentionally help build friendships and belonging into this group of students!
  • Children, youth, and adults all heard the importance of connecting to people who share the same values, beliefs and passions.
  • I watched adults realize the importance of being more involved in someone's life other than sitting behind them in the church auditorium. The light went on.
  • We showed this video of a family in the church simply talking about Life Group.