Monday, February 11, 2008


Rest. Relaxation.

The Assemblies of God in Illinois give their peeps 2 free nights at two of their campground/retreat facilities. We're choosing the more rustic option. It's not the Holiday Inn, but it is a great get-a-way that costs....nothing (for lodging).

So, tomorrow at noon we're dropping off the two older boys at the grandparents' house and heading out with the newborn for two days of rest.

Now, rest doesn't mean more sleep. It means less stress. We are joining up with some good friends (Barths) and plan on playing Settlers late into the night!

We're looking forward to a little down time.

Hoping to:

  • Play Settlers a lot. (it's like crack!)
  • Drink a lot of coffee.
  • Read.
  • Take my wife out to dinner at one of her favorite restaurants.
  • Not worry about work, people, stuff.
  • talk to Joy about anything besides work and why our boys are fighting.


Chip Sanders said...

Got to love PF Changs. Got to love the Barths, tell 'em I say hello. I've heard Settlers is fun but never played. Have a great time.

The Haver Family said...

Have fun and RELAX!!! You guys deserve it.