Wednesday, February 6, 2008

great coffee

St. Arbucks aside....
Here is a short list of great coffee worth buying:

What else is out there that I need to know about?


Matt said...

The very, very best cup of coffee I've had in the world...and I've had a LOT of cups of coffee all over the world, is at Alterra Coffee Roasters in Milwaukee. I know Milwaukee is supposed to be known for another kind of drink of which I'm unfamiliar, but that coffee is good. While there are a few stand alone stores, the coolest is the main one on Lake Michigan.

I'll mention that the best place to purchase whole bean coffee (in my humble opinion) is at Tostaduria Antigua in Antigua, Guatemala.

My thoughts.

The Haver Family said...

Coming from WA...where there is a coffee stand on every corner there is a LOT of good mom and pop coffee brands. I can't remember one of my favorites for the life of me...something to the effect of DeLuca, but I know that's not right. Coffee rocks!

Anonymous said...

I have heard a lot about illy coffee.. i haven't had it, but its becoming popular... here is a link:

Pastor Justin said...

For the greatest Coffee in the world, bar none....(drum roll) Come to the Quad Cities, Areopagus Coffee House! Our church is opening two non-profit free trade coffee houses with this coffee.

Last year when on a mission trip to Costa Rica I came across a little coffee shop and was absolutely blown away. The owner's family has grown their own beans since the 1800's. Starbucks buys 60% of his beans and they package and sell them for 18 bones per half pound.

It really is the best coffee in the world.

Anyways besides brewing it to perfection we also sell it by the pound. 12 buck per pound or 16 for organic.

I can hook you up, just let me know!