Valins&Co. Holiday Video from Scott Valins on Vimeo.
[Video embeded]
See ya in 2009!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
Posted by
travis spencer
12:24 AM
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Monday, December 29, 2008
Kick Start '09
First Assembly is kicking 2009 with a few different emphasis on prayer.
- Pre-service prayer in the auditorium at 8:30 a.m. each Sunday
- Jan 4 we'll be talking about how we struggle to know if God really listens to us.
- Jan 7 is the premier of First Wednesday services. The theme this month: The Power of Prayer.
- Jan 11 we get to pray with some of our favorite missionaries- The Wests!
- Jan 16 we join the entire community in a prayer initiative called Pray for the City. We also will fill all 24 hours of this day with people praying.
- Jan 18 talk about how we are "Too Busy Not to Pray"
Wow...God is going to move in amazing ways this year. I can't wait to share all the stories.
Posted by
travis spencer
3:21 PM
Labels: first assembly, ministry
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Sunday, December 28, 2008
Happy first birthday! Cooper.
Happy first birthday! Cooper.
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Happy birthday
Posted by
travis spencer
7:04 PM
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Friday, December 26, 2008
10 Reasons Why I’m Glad Christmas Is Over
- 30 days of Christmas songs is too much.
- The pine needles on the ol’ tree are getting pretty brittle.
- Ready to launch into an exciting 2009 at First Assembly.
- I need to quit eating all this chocolate, fudge, cookies, peanut brittle, and pumpkin pie
- I can use my Christmas money to shop all the post-Christmas sales
- No more moody Wal-Mart shoppers
- Hoping the Christmas Blend Starbucks coffee goes on sale.
- My kids won’t beg to go through the Christmas lights every time we drive toward the mall
- My birthday is in January
- I’m a secret elf in disguise and need to take a break.
Posted by
travis spencer
8:44 PM
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Have a Fun ol' Christmas
Merry Christmas from my family to yours!
(Joy wouldn't let me make a Christmas card with this picture. But she didn't say anything about my blog! Merry Christmas)
Posted by
travis spencer
2:05 PM
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Monday, December 22, 2008
C. O. L. D. But I wanna see the bears.
It's gonna be cold at the Bears game tonight.
I'll be giving updates through twitter tonight.
Follow me HERE
Posted by
travis spencer
8:20 AM
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Friday, December 19, 2008
MNF: I'll be there
I've never been to a Bears game. That all changes on Monday night.
I'm heading to Soldier's Field in Chicago with my cousin.
It's suppose to be 9 degrees that night. I better take a jacket.
It's on ESPN. Look for me.
I'm seven rows above the visitor's tunnel where the Packers will be running out.
I'll be wearing a stocking cap.
Here's a video preview of the game.
(BTW: Only Bears fans will like this video.)
Posted by
travis spencer
11:18 PM
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
family traditions?
Just curious, what family traditions do you have at Christmas?

Posted by
travis spencer
10:08 PM
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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Artistry and Faith
I can't wait until Sunday night.
I've watched Evan create art all week getting ready for Sunday night's candlelight experience.
He wasn't painting. He wasn't sculpting.
Evan was standing in the auditorium dreaming and envisioning of how the entire candlelight experience would look, feel, and flow.
I peeked in on him yesterday and thought to myself, Evan's painting in his head. He's working on a piece of art. I appreciate his ability to see it. How he can teach and build our faith through a variety of creative expressions. It's artistry, teaching and faith intertwined.
Come Sunday to experience a night of miracles.
Come get saturated in the telling of the miracles of the Christmas story in a way that will cause your faith to rise up and become contagious.
The miracles that happened 2000 years ago were from God.
The miracles that you need in your life is from the same God.
May we experience that on Sunday evening.
Sunday @ 6:30 p.m.
First Assembly
Posted by
travis spencer
12:25 PM
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Top pick Christmas flick?
Posted by
travis spencer
10:35 AM
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Sunday, December 14, 2008
Feeding the creative hunger
Sometimes you just have to get away to gather innovative and refreshing ideas.
Here's some ideas I've used in the past:
Sit in a local diner of a small town you don't go to very often.
Tour an art building.
Spend an hour driving nothing but side streets.
Take a camping chair into the woods with your journal.
Check out any live music venues.
Take virtual online tours of high-class resorts.
Netflix rare documentaries
Watch TED talks
Take my journal into a busy place, watch people, and write down observations.
Try this:
What do you do to feed your creative hunger?
Posted by
travis spencer
11:09 PM
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Friday, December 12, 2008
Great Deal
Posted by
travis spencer
10:07 AM
Labels: family
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Chickens and Fish for Christmas
This year we encouraged our boys to use one of their Christmas gifts to bless another family in need. We told our boys if they wanted to, they would receive one less gift this year, and in its place, we would buy a gift for a needy family.
They loved that idea.
As a family we looked through a World Vision Christmas Catalog and shopped for a family in a third world country.
Dakota picked two chickens.
Riley picked a fishing kit.
One needy family will have more eggs to feed their kids.
One family will be able to catch fish to feed their kids.
One family (The Spencers) is learning what Christmas is all about.
May Jesus be glorified this season.
Here is a video of my boys ordering the gifts:
Posted by
travis spencer
10:36 AM
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Friday, December 5, 2008
@ First Assembly
December 07: I wish I was important.
December 21: I wish someone cared.
These will be great weeks to bring new people to First Assembly.
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Parents giving the OK for alcohol at parties
East-Central Illinois survey results indicate two out of five teens (40.9%) have been to a party at a friend’s house where alcohol was served with parents’ knowledge or consent. One in six (17.6%) said his or her own parents allowed a party to include alcohol at their family’s home.
Listen...FORTY PERCENT of our local teens have been to parties where alcohol was served with parents' permission. Why is this happening?
It's time for parents to help their children make better choices. It's time for parents to know what is happening on the weekends. Its time for parents to talk to other parents about turning this statistic around.
A local coalition, Body Electric, will be revealing these statistics early in 2009. I'm working on writing out some of the findings for their report. These local statistics are quite eye-opening.
Every parent needs a copy of this report when it is released in 2009.
Posted by
travis spencer
10:36 AM
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Monday, December 1, 2008
Sunday reflections
Sunday at First Assembly was a day of expressions!
- Leon, Caleb and Sarah expressed their faith through water baptism. I'm so proud of these guys! God is doing great things in this family!
- I wrapped up Express Yourself (Part 2) and talked about the different ways we can express ourselves to God. Give a listen here.
- My amazing wife, Joy, spoke at our ladies Christmas dinner. She did incredible. I'm SO proud of her. The church will be begging her to start speaking on Sundays. You can listen to her talk here.
- We (Okay, Joy and Katie) packed a lot of boxes full of a lot of great stuff for our leaders' dinner Monday night. I love our leadership team!

Posted by
travis spencer
3:16 PM
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Originally uploaded by travis spencer
Posted by
travis spencer
4:00 PM
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Ah... Thanksgiving!
Love this Day: watch parade, eat, watch football, eat.
Old Thanksgiving Posts
2007 Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.
2006 Thank You UPDATE 1.2
2005 That dirty ol' plunger...
2004 I'm going to the woods with a gun...
Posted by
travis spencer
2:57 PM
Labels: holiday
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Doodle Expressions From Sunday
All I know is that our peeps at First Assembly did a great job expressing their thoughts during the Sunday talk. I have tons of these. I just grabbed five.
Posted by
travis spencer
1:35 PM
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Monday, November 24, 2008
Where the seeds were planted
Last night was somewhat of a surreal speaking moment.
I spoke from the same stage that I was a lead role in a children's church play in the 1980s, as well as the same church that I was water baptized in in the early 1980s.
First Baptist Church was the church I grew up in. All my toddler years and early elementary years took place in this church. It seems like a blur, but I have a few fond memories in my heart.
- Kids Choir
- Celebrating the 1985 bears at a church party.
- Lighting candles at the beginning of Sunday service.
- Being Baptized
- Playing with a Flinstones toy phone. (The one with a horn as the receiver.)
- "Aiming" at bugs in the men's urinal. *debated on taking this out...but what a fun memory that no one (until now) really knew about.
Last night, 20 years after really being involved in that church, I had the humbling opportunity to speak on the same stage at the community Thanksgiving service. Someone looked at me before service and said, "You look tense." I was.
Not sure why. I've spoke in front of thousands in Latin America, I spoke in front of hundreds in school assemblies here in town, have done weddings, funerals, and even taught a class on writing research papers to 6th graders in the public school system.
But coming back to the roots was a little intimidating. And still, as I type, I'm not sure why. I guess the magnitude of realizing God's hand in my life can get a little overwhelming.
All I know, is that I'm thankful for a church that invested in me. I'm thankful for parents who got me involved in the ministry there. I'm thankful for the teachers and volunteers that had no idea they were teaching a Bible story to someone who would become a pastor 23 years later.
I look back at the seeds that were planted in my life and become humbled and in awe of God's plan for people's lives.
May we continue to plant seeds. Someday those little, chubby trouble makers grow up. And some of them might just be leading life-giving churches.
It's worth the investment.
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: ministry, spiritual life
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Saturday, November 22, 2008
Saturday Things-To-Do List
Posted by
travis spencer
8:45 AM
Labels: just for fun
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Previous Post issues
I really liked the embed for Hillsong London in my previous post.
- great music
- great look
- great videos
But I deleted it. started automatically, thus, when you went to my blog, music played.
A little too Myspace-ish for me.
All my "in the office" blog readers were forced to listen to music as my blog opened.
Not good.
So, if you want to check out the Hillsong London embed, go HERE. Music will play.
Posted by
travis spencer
1:40 PM
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A Thankful Heart
Last night I asked some of our 60s Plus group to share something they were thankful for.
One response:
"I'm thankful my grandson invited me to church."
Posted by
travis spencer
8:21 AM
Labels: holiday, small insights
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Express Yourself bumper video
express yourself into from firstassembly on Vimeo.
{RSS peeps - video}
This will be a short intro video as I go up to speak. It set for Nov. 23, 30.
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: first assembly, sermons
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Monday, November 17, 2008
Sunday reflections
Another great Sunday at First Assembly.
Some highlights:
- We wrapped up the God of this City series. People responded by writing their names all over a piece of mosaic art we have been creating over the past four weeks. This time, their names symbolized a willingness to sacrifice anything to carry out God's mission for His Church. Pretty powerful moment in the service. (I'll blog about this whole four-week process of tiles, the cross, names, and mosaic art later this week.)
- Brian Williamson (H.S. student from Neoga) did a good job rocked the house singing a Brandon Heath song called Give Me Your Eyes.
- Everyone was challenged to lay down their fear and invite spiritually disconnected friends to experience God at First Assembly. We gave everyone one of these cards.
Read about our cards at Evan's Blog.
- We continue to have new faces each week. Really excited about families coming and checking us out. We hope they find First Assembly as a place they can connect to Jesus and be inspired to live life to its fullest.
- We celebrated over a very meaningful Thank You card we received from a group of recovering meth users that use our facilities each week for a gathering place. What a great way to help out in our community!
- We announced next week's series: Express Yourself. It will be another great Sunday next week! (Artwork will be posted this week.)
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: first assembly, Sunday reflections
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Saturday, November 15, 2008
Express Yourself....coming soon!
So I found this little comic-making site. And I tried it out. And yes... I am not an artist. Enjoy. Let the doodling begin on Nov. 23!
Posted by
travis spencer
8:19 PM
Labels: first assembly
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Friday, November 14, 2008
Let's be honest with God
Dear God,
All I know is that I want people to give their lives to you. I know as a pastor I have influence in people's lives to help make that happen. I simply need to know HOW to make that happen. I assume more prayer is apart of it. I know helping people look past themselves is a part of it. But what else?
Too many people around here are going to hell. I know no one likes to talk about that. I know that's not PC. I know that is not "relevant" language to use. I know this may offend someone. But... I just want people to know You. I want people to experience your joy, your mercy, your love, your hope.
What should I do? What should WE do? How can they experience your love?
My heart is yelling this out...
(That's my gut-honest prayer today.)
What's your prayer?
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: ministry, spiritual life
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Family Day: Operation Cupcakes
Posted by
travis spencer
7:33 AM
Labels: family
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Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday reflections
Sunday was a great day.
- Had more new faces to check things out around here at First Assembly.
- I wrestled through God of this City: Week 3. We looked at "What is it going to take?" Using Acts 17, we need to Reach out to people disconnected form Jesus, Reshape the perceptions of Christians, and Relate to their world. (Three Rs...very Rick Warren of me.)
- I watched Brian Williamson steal the stage in his lead role as Curly in his High School play Oklahoma.
- I hung out with great friends for lunch and a day of high school theater.
- I popped in and watched our Kids Factory work on their Christmas musical.
- I popped in and got killed at Rock Band with Pipeline peeps. My drumming skills are dead.
- I prepped for a little 6 a.m. discussion on the Holy Spirit.
- I watched five episodes of The Office on with my wife before calling it a night.
Posted by
travis spencer
12:22 PM
Labels: first assembly, Sunday reflections
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Saturday, November 8, 2008
God of this City: Part 3
SUNDAY: We're gonna wrestle with what it's going to take to reach people are are disconnected from God.
This may hurt a little...
Posted by
travis spencer
10:44 PM
Labels: first assembly
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Friday, November 7, 2008
Take-Home Thoughts From Related Leaders
Scott Hodge tells it like it is: taking a church that has plateaued or is in decline to a level of healthy growth will be painful. Some people don't like change. Some people like church to meet all of their needs. Some people like it small. Some people like it the "old way" because it's their style. So transitioning a church into a healthy missional church will require sacrifice, a season of pain, and focusing on what really matters: people disconnected from God.
However, the reward of a transitioned church is worth it all.
Instead of blogging all the notes from the one-day conference (I'm sure others guys can throw out you blog address in the comments), I decided to just write down some personal take-home thoughts from the event.
- First Assembly will not make consumer Christians. It's not about them getting, but about them giving of themselves to others.
- Our needs will be met when we meet the needs of others.
- There is a HUGE gap between Jesus and people following him. First Assembly needs to help close in that gap. The world takes note of this gap everyday.
- We need to identify what is sacred in church, and what is not sacred. Then we can examine what is really important.
- I need to re-read all the blog posts from Andy Stanley's catalyst session.
- We must tackle our assimilation/fusion process of taking a first-time attender to becoming a committed follower of Jesus.
- Love this quote from Hodge: "If you want to reach people who have never been reached before, then you need to do things that have never been done before."
Posted by
travis spencer
8:57 AM
Labels: first assembly, ministry
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Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My next 36 hours
I'm looking forward to hear more challenging and innovative ways to help lead a church in reaching out to the spiritually disconnected people in our community.
Scott Hodge has been a huge help to me personally through the transition of our church. He's traveled the road which we just got on.
I'm looking forward to the next 36 hours.
Wanna Go?
Posted by
travis spencer
10:02 AM
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Monday, November 3, 2008
My one political post!
Thanks for the reminder, dad!
(RSS peeps: video embedded)
Posted by
travis spencer
5:48 PM
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preparing the place
As a church, we will be focusing attention on preparing the place for the spiritually disconnected guy who comes to check us out. We have to relate Jesus' powerful message to people who are not use to being in a church.
We have to be intentional in our planning.
Here's a great video that helps spur on some thoughts.
Find more videos like this on Creative Worship Tour
Check out Scott Hodge here.
Check out Mike Jones here.
Posted by
travis spencer
3:53 PM
Labels: ministry
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Friday, October 31, 2008
BRAND new: Pepsi
Find more videos like this on AdGabber
(rss peeps:video embedded)
You Like?
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: just for fun
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Thursday, October 30, 2008
i just didn't have the time....
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: movies
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Look out below!
Oct 26...My first Sunday as pastor:
Last Sunday my message title was "Broken, but Powerful." As a fun element, we played a game called "Will it Break?"
On video we (Me and Evan's wonderful idea!) dropped things off the church roof, and people had to guess if it would break. As a live element, we then dropped something on the stage from a 15-foot ladder.
Our choice item: a 40-pound computer monitor.
It was dropped. It landed. It bounced. It rolled. It headed toward a family in the front row. A sixth-grade girl sitting next to her dad yells out, "Are you trying to kill me?"
Dec. 1999....My first month as youth pastor:
I was preaching in basement fellowship hall to about 15-25 students. I was holding a sword and waiving it around as I as preaching.
All of a sudden, the handle broke off and the sword went flying and came inches from hitting a young girl. Here she is now.
I've had bad luck with first preaching moments.
(I also threw out a bunch of blow-pops that same month and took out a low-mounted fluorescent light that exploded on the crowd.)
What "That wasn't suppose to happen!" moments have you had?
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: ministry
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Monday, October 27, 2008
Great Weekend at First Assembly
Highlights from the weekend:
- We had 37 new kids join us for our Family Fall Fest on Friday. We're excited that their families got a small taste of how First Assembly wants to invest in family life. (See pics here.)
- We launched the God of this City series as my first sermon as lead pastor.
(You can listen to the message here.)
- I busted a bunch of tile on stage with a sledge hammer.
- We dropped and busted a computer monitor off a 15-foot ladder.
- We created a mosaic cross our of all the busted tile.
- Sunday night we hosted a dessert shindig at our house. It was great to have everyone in our home. We love our church!
- Approximately 10,000 calories was consumed at our house.
- Then we ate pizza late Sunday night after most people went home.
...then we slept!
Posted by
travis spencer
4:53 PM
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Saturday, October 25, 2008
Family Fall Pics!!!!
You gotta check all these out!
Family Fall Fest was great.
We have great leaders and volunteer teams that did an amazing job!
Posted by
travis spencer
2:36 PM
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Friday, October 24, 2008
I love my mom!
First of all.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mom!
Second.... I'm proud of you.
Thanks for serving other people.
Not only do you give one day each week to watch my boys, but now you are stretching beyond that.
I'm proud that you are serving people at our hospital.
Thanks for becoming a volunteer.
Thanks for serving others.
Thanks for thinking beyond yourself. If only more people would follow suit.
Happy 65th Birthday!
I Love you!
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
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Thursday, October 23, 2008
laying down on the job
Our family went to a pumpkin patch this week.
I was tired. So I rested.
So... I scored low on the dad-o-meter.
What causes you to loose points on the parent-o-meter?
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday: Day One
Sunday was a day of celebration for Pastor Van and Diane as they retired from a marathon of 35 years in full-time ministry. Sunday was also a day of transition as Joy and I became the lead pastor of First Assembly.
It was a day of emotions. We celebrated, we teared up, we laughed, we ate a lot!, we reflected old stories, we dreamed about the future.
All in all, we allowed God to maneuver His leadership for His Church. We humbly accept his assignment. We're excited for the future. We believe greater days are yet to come for our church and community.
My prayer: Keep us humble, pure of thought, fastened to His Spirit, contagious with passion for God, and compassionate toward those spiritually disconnected from God.
Posted by
travis spencer
11:03 AM
Labels: first assembly
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Friday, October 17, 2008
Sharing thoughts to the 60s Plus group
I had the honor as one of my first Lead Pastor opportunities to share some thoughts with the 60s Plus group during a fall bonfire.
Some of my thoughts:
1. I know you must be thinking, "What will it be like to have a 33-year-old pastor?"
- I hope you guys are as excited as Joy and I are. We are looking forward to a great journey.
2. I shared Hebrews 13:1-8 and explained how Jesus and His message is the same yesterday, today and forever.
3. Speaking of "the same yesterday..."
I shared how they and their generation helped to get us where we are today as a church. All the years of investment are amazing, and humbling. I appreciate everything they have done and will continue to do to shape us into better Jesus followers.
4. Speaking of "Jesus is the same today..."
I explained that all buildings have load-bearing walls. Christianity, too, has load-bearing walls. There are some things that should not, will not, and cannot be changed. Jesus is the only way to heaven. He is our salvation. He is our healer. He is returning. The Bible is true and inspired. The Great Commission is ours to carry out. These are our load-bearing walls.
5. Speaking of the Jesus for our future...
We live in changing times. What makes sense today may not have been imagined 40 years ago. Church and culture is constantly changing. We need to clearly communicate to today's unchurched culture. ...And it may sound different than how it was communicated 40 years ago.
All the songs, styles, and methods may not make sense to the 60s Plus generation, but they will to their grandchildren. The incredible ideas of yesterday were amazing back then. And today and tomorrow we will have more amazing methods to reach the lost.
6. Let's join together as we pass along our faith to this generation and the ones to come.
I prayed for them. They prayed for us!
It was a great night with amazing people.
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: first assembly
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Retirement Celebration Planned
The following is press release information that we've forwarded to our local newspaper:
Rev. Van Frownfelter retires this Sunday as pastor of First Assembly of God, concluding a 20-year marathon of church leadership in Mattoon.
A special “Leaving a Legacy” tribute service is planned for this Sunday at 9:30 a.m. at the church, 900 Dewitt Ave. East.
The community is also invited to a retirement celebration Sunday from 6p.m. to 8 p.m. in the church’s auditorium. The community is invited to stop by anytime during the evening reception to visit with the Frownfelters. Special comments regarding the family will be made at 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Van and Diane Frownfelter served at First Assembly of God in Mattoon from 1989 to this weekend. Prior to that they served as pastors in Lincoln, IL from 1978-1989 and Chicago from 1973-1978.
Posted by
travis spencer
2:19 PM
Labels: first assembly
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Take the Missions Poll
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: first assembly, missions, the 1814 project
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Saturday, October 11, 2008
We squeaked by
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: family, just for fun
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Thursday, October 9, 2008
We need new eyes
A leader at our church asked me to listen to this song by Brandon Heath.
She said, "This song is exactly what you were talking about at our leader's meeting. We need a heart change and we need to focus on the mission!"
Great Song. Great video.
Thanks Lisa for your heart for our community!
Posted by
travis spencer
8:39 AM
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My son is ALL boy
Guess what Dakota learned?
Who taught him this?
A. Dad
B. Mom
C. School friends
D. Presidential Debate
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: family
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Monday, October 6, 2008
Change you can believe in: My Face
Saturday I looked liked this.
I grabbed these.
I trimmed down to this.
I finished to this.
Still deciding....
Posted by
travis spencer
9:37 AM
Labels: just for fun
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Sunday, October 5, 2008
The 1814 Project has been announced
Today I had the humble pleasure of announcing to the great people of First Assembly that we were beginning an adventure that would impact an entire community.
Exactly 1814 miles away is a small town of 4,000 people who desperately need someone to come along side of them and help transform their community.
Welcome to The 1814 Project. Our church will gather its resources and local connections to make a difference in San Jeronimo, Honduras. One church in this friendly Latin American community is praying today that our people will be excited about this newly formed friendship.
Together, with God at the center, we will change people's lives...on this earth, and for eternity.
We will strategically invest in the school, the government, the faith community, local families, and every single child.
This is not a one-time missions trip. This is not throwing money to a poorer church far, far away. This is a partnership. This is an alliance. This will become a friendship. In fact, over time, this will become family.
Join our adventure. Pray for our partnership and alliance.
Pray for San Jeronimo, Honduras.
The 1814 Project...begins today!
Posted by
travis spencer
11:00 AM
Labels: first assembly, missions, the 1814 project
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Friday, October 3, 2008
Launching on Oct. 5
The 1814 Project Launch from firstassembly on Vimeo.
This will change lives...
{Embedded video}
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: first assembly, missions, the 1814 project
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
My New Eye Glasses
Someone suggested these...
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: just for fun
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My son's on the Cover!
Posted by
travis spencer
8:18 AM
Labels: family
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Monday, September 29, 2008
Who's Gonna Win?
I remember cheering for the Cubbies since 1983.
I was 8. No one in my family liked the Cubs. I did.
Twenty-five years later I still cheer for those Cubs.
Maybe...just maybe....we'll see a 100 year miracle!
Who do you want to win the World Series?
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
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Friday, September 26, 2008
Only because I can't switch to AT&T
I'm seriously considering the LG Dare. It's the iPhone knock-off. I know it's not as cool. I know my Apple friends will laugh. But, I'm a Verizon guy tangled in a plan consisting of multiple lines and multiple plans.
So I'll settle for the LG Dare.
But a message to LG and Verizon....take a good look at the iPhone and notice how we know it's an Apple product without the logo. Please take notice of it's clean look. Learn. Change. Innovate.
Whatever I get, it's better than this...
Posted by
travis spencer
10:51 PM
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Office & Me
What NBC "The Office" character are you? Your Result: Jim Halpert You are the kind of person that everyone likes. You are funny, laid back, and not bad looking. You love practical jokes and having a fun time with your friends. However, because you are so laid back you often let the things that are most important to you get away. | |
Toby Flenderson | |
Angela Martin | |
Pam Beesly | |
Dwight Kurt Schrute | |
Michael Scott | |
Kelly Kapoor | |
Ryan Howard | |
What NBC "The Office" character are you? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Posted by
travis spencer
3:38 PM
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Meet My Friend Matt
My friend Matt Wilkie has amazing stories. He travels the world as a missionary and finds himself in incredible situations, as well as random encounters with all kinds of people.
At the same time, I live in Mattoon, IL. Home of the original Burger King. Matt likes to eat there when he is in town. So as a Christmas gift several years ago, I jokingly bought him an original Burger King T-Shirt.
Now, everywhere he goes--whether its the Great Wall of China, volcanoes, Eiffel tower, Africa, indigenous tribal villages ...he tries to take his picture next to the world icons while wearing his Original Burger King shirt.
So.... as Matt as in O'Hare airport in Chicago, he met this guy....
"The Architect" Karl Rove was standing in terminal C talking on his cell phone. This was one of President Bush's major political consultants. If you know political news, you know Karl Rove.
Matt had a great--and funny--conversation with him. If you know Matt, you there will always be a good story.
Read Matt's post here.
Read about the ORIGINAL Burger King.
Who is Karl Rove?
Someday I will write the whole Matt Wilkie/Burger King T-shirt exclusive story with photographs. (But I'm pitching that idea to out local paper, first!) Should be fun.
Posted by
travis spencer
9:54 AM
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fantasy Church League
I want to propose a new fantasy league to all the online fantasy sports addicts out there:
Fantasy Church League.
Here's how it would work:
You get to choose 10 churches in the United States.
Only three can be from the same denomination.
Only three can be non-denominational.
Attendance based on previous week to current week.
1 pt for a 1-5 increase
2 pts for a 6-9 increase
3 pts for a 10-20 increase
4 pts for a 25-50 increase
5 pts for a 50+ increase
Same points are deducted if there is a decrease.
First-Time Attenders
1 pt for a 1-5 FTA
2 pts for a 6-9 FTA
3 pts for a 10-20 FTA
4 pts for a 25-50 FTA
5 pts for a 50+ FTA
Salvation responses:
1 pt for 1 response
2 pts for 2-3 response
3 pts for 4-7 response
4 pts for 8-15 response
5 pts for 16+ response
1 pt for 1 baptisms
2 pts for 2-3 baptisms
3 pts for 4-7 baptisms
4 pts for 8-15 baptisms
5 pts for 16+ baptisms
5 pts if FTAs 50-99 percent fill out a information card.
10 pts if 100 percent FTAs fill out a information card.
10 pts if there are no parent notifications during service.
10 pts if there are no media glitches.
10 pts if church serves "fair trade" coffee.
10 pts if parking lot crew uses orange flags.
10 pts if church is out early.
25 pts if the first three rows are filled at least 80 percent capacity.
5 pts if the coffee runs out early.
5 pts for every 10 mins the service runs long.
5 pts if information is incorrect on sign
5 pts for every time a baby cries so much the parent carries him/her out.
2 pts for every time speaker uses a sermon illustration one year old.
5 pts for every time a speaker uses a sermon illustration 2-4 years old.
10 points every time a speaker uses a sermon illustration 5+ years old.
YOUR TURN: Add more point options, rules, guidelines....
Posted by
travis spencer
6:00 AM
Labels: just for fun
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